The Holy Spirit
The Bible teaches us that God actually consists of 3 persons. This is also called the Trinity. For us as people it is difficult to understand that one being consisting of 3 persons. As we do not know similar beings, it is difficult to make a picture of this.
In the Bible, the three persons of God are described; God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. God the Father is described as the creator; God the Son is the mediator between man and God and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God who can “live” in people.
If someone accepts Gods as his Maker and believes that Jesus Christ died for his mistakes, he will receive the Holy Spirit.
Since you can not see the Holy Spirit, you will have to “experience”. God will lead you in your life. The Holy Spirit does not take over your life, you will remain a creature with freedom of choice, but He will open your eyes to certain things. If it is given to you, then you will of the Holy Spirit empower or special gifts.
What does the Holy Spirit do?
- He will help you into the Christian life and will empower you to follow Jesus; He will help you to transform, to become more and more like Jesus
- He will learn you about God and guides you to truth (John 16:13-14)
- He will teach you things that were unknowable to you before becoming a Christian
- He prays for you (Romans 8:26-27)
Just as in a marriage or other relationships with people, you will expericence more from the Holy Spirit if you spent more time with God. Just as a married couple that will grow apart when both partners do not spend enough time together.
Through the Holy Spirit God can give you certain gifts that you need as a Christian. Those gifts can be found in the Bible (in 1 Corinthians 12 for example). Those gifts cen help you in situations.
You do not need to search for your gifts now. God will provide them to you when you need them.