Prayer is talking to (and with) God. Allthough God will often not answer directly to you, you will experience His attention for your prayer.
Be sincere in your prayer to God (Hebrews 10:22). He will know what you are doing allready. As He is your Maker, talk to Him with the respect He deserves.
As God loves you, He will hear to your prayer. As His is more wise than you and because His plan will be bigger than you often can understand, the answer will not always be like you would expect.
Somtimes it will take a long time to understand the plan of God with your life. Maybe you even will suffer, being harmed by people, get in difficult situations or else. Do not get disappointed when you have prayed for something of somebody and the outcome is not like tou have expected. Sometimes your patience is put to the test and the outcome will be quite different as you would have expected.
Just like a good earthly father, God will look after His children and is looking for their best interest in the long term.