Category: Uncategorized

Impressed by the Coronavirus

Impressed by the Coronavirus

Are you also concerned about your health or your financial future? Maybe you are already infected with the virus or you have family or friends who are infected. We can imagine your concern and empathize with the people who are infected, especially the elderly who are very vulnerable!

The Corona virus is occupying the entire world and more and many countries are taking tough measures to prevent the virus to spread any further. It is already apponted as a pandemic, a worldwide disease.

The current state of the world makes many people think. Our health is one of the most important values in life. When it is threatened, you are also confronted with the relativity of our existence.

Why do we actually live and why is life only temporary?

If you want to learn more about the purpose of your life? You are challenged tot think about your life, your plans and the purpose of your life for one week. To help, our volunteers have written the “Think One Week program”.

Participation is free and we do not want to sell you anything. Our goal is to help you to learn about the purpose of your life and to offer you hope for your future.

Get involved and start today to think about your life. We wish you a very valuable week!

The ThinkOneWeek Team

P.s.: If you are looking for some basic information to prevent getting sick, you can have a look at the World Health Organisation (WHO) website

A Prayer for Corona affected

A Prayer for Corona affected

These are turbulent times. The Corona Virus is spreading all over the world. Many people get sick or even worse… Economies get stuck, many people are worried about their health and lives.

Maybe you are sick or you know someone who is suffering from the virus. We sympathize with all the victims and their families and we allready pray for those who are affected.

I don’t know if you believe in a god, a creator of the earth. Although the world is full of diseases and misery, you may know that there is a God who loves those people who want to trust Him. Even though it is difficult to understand why a powerful creator of everything permits this kind of illness and misery, there is also hope for every person…

A prayer for you!

We are already praying for the people who are affected by the Corona Virus. We would also like to pray for you personally if you would appreciate that.

If you have to deal with the corona virus and you would like a prayer, just enter your name below. If you send the form, we will certainly pray for you.

If you would like to learn more about the meaning of your life in the midst of this worldwide situation, we invite you to learn more on our website. Its all for free and no obligations.

If you are looking for some basic information to prevent getting sick, you can have a look at the World Health Organisation (WHO) website

Quel est votre avenir?

Quel est votre avenir?

Enfin tu es la! Bienvenue!

Et si vous feriez les meilleures découvertes de votre vie et de votre avenir la semaine prochaine? Êtes-vous disposé à passer quelques heures de votre temps précieux à le découvrir? Sur ce site Web, vous êtes invité à réfléchir une semaine à votre vie.

Peut-être que vous êtes heureux avec votre vie. Tout se passe bien et vous n’avez pas besoin de savoir pourquoi vous êtes en vie. Aucun problème! (est-ce?) Vivez simplement. Ou y a-t-il plus dans la vie?

Qu’est-ce qu’une vie sans signification?
Que va-t-il se passer après votre mort?

Y-as-tu déjà pensé? Si vous aimez apprendre de grandes choses dans la vie, lisez la suite. Si vous ne pouvez pas lire tout de suite, inscrivez-vous simplement au rappel par courrier électronique ou à ma lettre d’information. Ainsi, on se souviendra de vous plus tard.

Donc, ce n’est pas un site Web de horsocope ou de tarot. Désolé, je ne peux pas prédire ce qui va vous arriver demain, qui sera l’amour de votre vie ou si vous serez très riche à l’avenir.

Mais je peux vous offrir quelque chose de beaucoup plus précieux. Si vous êtes prêt à investir dans votre vie, je serai très heureux de vous offrir quelques pages pour découvrir de belles choses! Je suis sûr que ça en vaudra la peine.

Passe une bonne semaine!

Es-tu prêt? Commencer ici

Votre but dans la vie

Quel est le sens de votre vie? Pourquoi est-ce que j’existe? Est-ce que ma vie a un but? Des questions que vous vous poserez tôt ou tard dans la vie. Avez-vous une réponse à ces questions? Avez-vous vraiment pensé à cela vous-même? Ou êtes-vous satisfait de ce que vous avez pu apprendre des autres?

Je pense que c’est bien d’y penser au moins une fois dans sa vie. J’espère que vous découvrirez les mêmes réponses utiles aux questions les plus importantes de la vie, tout comme moi!

Pour vous aider un peu, vous trouverez sur ce site 7 thèmes à réfléchir. Lisez un thème tous les jours et prenez votre temps pour y réfléchir. Vous pouvez en apprendre beaucoup sur votre propre vie et votre avenir.

Vous n’êtes pas toujours obligé d’être en accord avec les sujets présentés sur ce site. Quoi qu’il en soit, j’espère que vous lirez cela avec un esprit ouvert et développerez votre propre opinion. Si vous n’êtes pas d’accord, allez à la recherche des réponses et de la vérité vous-même! Ce sera très précieux dans votre vie.

Réservez du temps dans votre calendrier et investissez du temps dans votre vie et votre avenir!

Continuez à lire quand vous êtes curieux…

Commencez votre semaine ici…

Rappel par mail

Pour vous aider à penser à votre vie les 7 prochains jours, vous pouvez vous inscrire pour recevoir le rappel par courrier électronique:

Abonnez-vous pour un rappel par e-mail au bas de cette page

A meaningful life?

A meaningful life?

Every person sometimes wonders what the meaning of life is. Not everyone takes the trouble to discover this for themselves....
Read in your language

Read in your language

Read in your own language: Thanks to the help of many friends, this website is available in many other languages......
Free E-book

Free E-book

Get your free copy of the Think One Week e-book now... Download as PDF (computer, other devices) 250 kB Or...
Do we Need That Many Friends?

Do we Need That Many Friends?

Friendship had always been difficult for me. I was one of those kids who found himself on the outside looking...
Are You Burning Out…?

Are You Burning Out…?

Stress isn’t all in your head. It doesn’t just impact your thoughts and attitudes. Though it often begins there, stress...
11 Tips for a Successful Life

11 Tips for a Successful Life

If you want to live a successful life, first you have learn what is succes for you. What do you...
The Value of Your Life Quiz

The Value of Your Life Quiz

What is The Value of human Life? How can we determine the value of human life? There are several appoaches...
Who is in control of my life?

Who is in control of my life?

Ever wonder who’s actually in control of your life? We live our lives, work and play. Our hard work often...
I’ll be there for you!

I’ll be there for you!

Who's your true friend? I have recently been watching some old episodes of “Friends” on Netflix. The theme song became...
Your view on life

Your view on life

You can leave you comment here.

What is your view on life, future, meaning?

Start your week

Start your week

Are you ready to think one week about your life?

Start on day one now to find out more about your life and future

Have a great week!

Do we Need That Many Friends?

Do we Need That Many Friends?

Friendship had always been difficult for me. I was one of those kids who found himself on the outside looking...
Are You Burning Out…?

Are You Burning Out…?

Stress isn’t all in your head. It doesn’t just impact your thoughts and attitudes. Though it often begins there, stress...
11 Tips for a Successful Life

11 Tips for a Successful Life

If you want to live a successful life, first you have learn what is succes for you. What do you...
The Value of Your Life Quiz

The Value of Your Life Quiz

What is The Value of human Life? How can we determine the value of human life? There are several appoaches...
Who is in control of my life?

Who is in control of my life?

Ever wonder who’s actually in control of your life? We live our lives, work and play. Our hard work often...
I’ll be there for you!

I’ll be there for you!

Who's your true friend? I have recently been watching some old episodes of “Friends” on Netflix. The theme song became...
I want to be rich

I want to be rich

How to become rich?

So you like to be rich. Do you want lots of posessions? Having a good house, a car and enough money to buy anything you’d like can be very attractive. Maybe you want to be famous also?It that all there is to life? Having lots of money and be wealthy or being famous? 

What about after your life? You cannot take your precious goods along with you…I challenge you to find out more about your life and future. Think one week about your life and be surprised what you will find out about it.

Start your week now!

Read the summary (1 page only)

Do we Need That Many Friends?

Do we Need That Many Friends?

Friendship had always been difficult for me. I was one of those kids who found himself on the outside looking...
Are You Burning Out…?

Are You Burning Out…?

Stress isn’t all in your head. It doesn’t just impact your thoughts and attitudes. Though it often begins there, stress...
11 Tips for a Successful Life

11 Tips for a Successful Life

If you want to live a successful life, first you have learn what is succes for you. What do you...
The Value of Your Life Quiz

The Value of Your Life Quiz

What is The Value of human Life? How can we determine the value of human life? There are several appoaches...
Who is in control of my life?

Who is in control of my life?

Ever wonder who’s actually in control of your life? We live our lives, work and play. Our hard work often...
I’ll be there for you!

I’ll be there for you!

Who's your true friend? I have recently been watching some old episodes of “Friends” on Netflix. The theme song became...