Category: Frontpage Extras

A meaningful life?

A meaningful life?

Every person sometimes wonders what the meaning of life is. Not everyone takes the trouble to discover this for themselves.

Perhaps you are also afraid of the answer to the question whether your life makes sense.

Many people seek the fulfillment of their life purpose nearby. In a relationship with another, in the care of your family and friends.

Perhaps your goal in life is to become very successful and rich or famous.

Do you survive from day to day and are you surprised every day by what the new day brings?

What is your goal in life?

Have you ever thought about the meaning of your life? Maybe you you are satisfied the way you live now and you accept what future offers you.

Your life is probably more valuable than you think. If you want to learn more, you are challenged to think about the purpose of your life for one week. Learning about your purpose can answer a lot of questions.

Think one week about your life

Through this website we want to help you to think about a number of life themes for one week. We want to encourage to learn more about living a meaningful life.

We recommend to read one theme every day for one week, but you also can read all themes at once.

Have a very valuable week!

Why this website?

This website has been set up with the help of an international team of people from different backgrounds. We all have discovered how valuable life can be. We would like to share this with everyone who wants to make an effort to think about the value of his or her life.

Warm regards of the ThinkOneWeek team

Read in your language

Read in your language

Read in your own language:

Thanks to the help of many friends, this website is available in many other languages… Read it in your own:

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Overcoming Loneliness: Finding True Friendship Beyond Social Media

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