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“Why is there so much misery in the world?” is an
obvious question when you think about the meaning of life. And if there is a
God, why doesn’t He do anything about it?
Quite frankly, I can’t answer the question for you.
Nevertheless, I want to give you a few of my thoughts to help you think about
Is there a God?
Through this website, you can learn from nature and life
that there must be a Creator of all. Nature is overwhelmingly complex, and this
was not caused by chance or chemical processes. Just look at the human DNA, the
basic matter from which every living creature is made. This DNA is built up by an
incredible amount of information. If you wrote this down, you would need more
than 3000 books! Neither is it possible that spontaneous processes caused such
a phenomenon. That would be just like creating a beautiful piece of music by
randomly writing down a bunch of loose musical notes.
If life on earth did not evolve by chance, then there
must be a design. And the design needs a designer. We call that designer,
Now God is not visible to us humans. After all, God is not
matter; He has made matter, right?
I think that God has a good reason why He doesn’t materially
show himself. He has created the possibility for choice in His design. Humans
are probably the most complex product of His creation. We can make choices ourselves,
and thereby also we can accept or deny our Creator.
However, this freedom of choice has a major downside:
Egoism. We all think we know pretty well what is good for us. Do we just forget
to remind ourselves why we have been created?
God wants respect, sincere attention, but also that his love
for his creatures is answered. I think there are several reasons why He created
people. Not because He was short of anything, but because it gives Him
satisfaction. You don’t get true love when you create “robots.” Man
is not a pre-programmed being and can decide for himself whether he respects
or ignores God; He wants people to choose for Him sincerely.
A relationship means that it must be mutual. A relation is not based upon laws and regulations. That is not a basis for a relationship. Because we tend to think about ourselves, there is a good chance that we will just do what we like to do. We think we don’t need God… Many people deny His existence. By yielding to our egoism, some people even slip off in behavior that has nothing to do with love and humanity. With the most horrible consequences that we all know, such as wars, abuse, and much more.
Good and evil
Suppose there is no God. Even then, the question
remains, “why there is misery in the world.” You could imagine that
there is misery. But what is the basis for “good” and
“evil” if you assume that everything is because it is … The
existence of “right and wrong” means that there is a general
morality, a general truth, a standard.
Why is someone worth protecting from “evil”? Is it
the result of some chemical and physical processes? After all, natural laws are
not caring about good or evil; they are just there. If everything goes
according to fixed processes of cause and effect, then no choice is possible. And
we do not have to worry about all the misery in the world.
We are talking about “good” and “evil.”
The definition of what is “good” and what is “evil” differs in different parts
of the world. Still, there is a worldwide standard, a moral. Killing someone is
not right, nor is stealing. Almost everyone despises the raping of children; this
indicates the existence of absolute truth. Morality does not exist
without such a truth. Where does this absolute truth come from?
If there is no God, there is no universal “right”
and “wrong.” That would mean that we have no basis for calling rape,
murder, adultery, or lying “wrong.”
If there is a God, why doesn’t he intervene?
This question assumes that we can take over His position.
However, we do not have the vision and the capacity to understand His plan.
With that in mind, perhaps the question of why God allows evil and suffering
remains unanswered.
Sometimes I struggle with the question of why people do
horrible things to each other. Why didn’t God intervene when Hitler, Mao Zedong,
or Stalin came to power? The same applies to natural disasters, diseases, and other
misery. Maybe it’s because life here on earth isn’t what’s most important. Even
though we experience life as it is, if there is more than we can see with our
eyes, then the answer to this question can be very different.
I’m sure that there is more between “heaven and
earth” than we can observe. Sometimes we can experience the presence
thereof. People who are involved with the spiritual world can testify to that.
I know there is a battle going on in the spiritual dimension
between God and his creatures (the angels, some of whom have rebelled against
God). God allows all of this to a certain point in time. We don’t know yet when
that moment will be. Meanwhile, we are opportune to make important choices in
We will die one day
That we all die, one day is a fact. The Bible explains this:
Because people have been given the freedom of choice between good and evil, the
result is that they die. It is just like with the laws of nature; you cannot
bypass them. Given the misery that causes evil, it is probably better that you
die over time.
But still, there is hope! …
What is the use of life?
What is the use of life? At least during our lifetime, we
get the chance to accept God as our Creator. However, that does not ensure a
relationship with Him. Our intentions can remain self-centered.
If God were not righteous but turned a blind eye to all wrong
behavior, the world would turn into chaos. Every mistake, therefore, has a
consequence (punishment); death is the ultimate consequence for human
God knows that we intend to make mistakes. He has,
therefore, came up with a loving solution. God came to earth to take
responsibility for all the errors that make it impossible to have a good
relation. Therefore he died for us to take away all the consequences of our bad
behavior. Once that was done, no one can blame Him for unfair treatment. In
this way, He paves the way for a relationship with the people who accept His
outstretched hand.
Even if you cannot understand this offer fully, this is
where faith is needed. Faith is not blind; it is not brainless. Faith
recognizes our limitations and places trust in a higher power – namely God.
By the way: Everyone has a belief, whether you trust God or
your reasoning, the public opinion, experts, or whatever.
Learn from misery
Despite the negative side of misery, it is also a way to
learn as a person. After all, if everything in life went without problems,
there would be no challenges, nor satisfaction. Misery and challenges
also force us to make choices. By making choices, our true potential will
Misery and challenges ensure that you can grow in trust
and faith. Often a particular situation seems terrible, but after a while,
it appears that this is the best thing that has happened to you, and because of
this situation, you have grown as a person. By accepting that we do not always
have an answer to the question “why?”, You develop faith and trust.
Faith requires that you want to base your trust on a higher power (God).
These approaches will not pass the feelings of pain and loss
that result from tragedies. Many situations call to respond with compassion
and a desire to help. As soon as we accept that life’s difficulties are a
mechanism for growth, our opposition to this will weaken. Then we can
experience life with a look at new possibilities.
Death is not The End
the Bible, God promises us that this life is only a run-up to eternal life with
Him. That is if you choose to accept His offer. All the misery and even death
are not so terrible if you know that there is a beautiful future waiting for
What if you can’t stand it anymore?
“Pain is inevitable; Suffering
is optional.”
Sometimes the misery seems greater than the will to live on.
I recently watched a documentary on TV about Chen Si, a Chinese man who stands
guard on a bridge over the Yangtze River when he does not have to work. This
Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is known worldwide as one of the most
“popular” places for people to commit suicide. Every single day some
people who do not wish to live anymore attempt to put an end to their misery by
jumping into the water.
If Chen Si can be there on time, he will pull them away from
the bridge rail and take them to a quiet place. He gives these desperate people
a good meal and talks to this desperate person about the problems they have.
Usually, something terrible has happened in their lives, and they did not see a
solution to the issues that have arisen. A listening ear and sometimes a
“kick in the ass” gives the depressed a renewed look at his or her
” For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. “(Bible, John 3:16)
” For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it. “(Bible, Ephesians 2: 8-9)
It is likewise with God. He would like to listen to your
life story. Sometimes he offers a direct solution, but sometimes you will also
have to learn in some steps. If you walk around with problems that seem too big
for a solution, then I want to invite you to speak to God, He will listen to
” I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices. I would rather have my people know me than burn offerings to me. “(Bible, Hosea 6: 6)
Through this website, I want to help you learn more about your
purpose of life and how you can lead a meaningful life.
Have you ever been to a fortune-teller or
Tarot card reader? Maybe you got amazing insights about your character. You’ve
probably also had predictions about your future.
Maybe you’ve also had some bad news. When
you die. Or news of illness, misfortune or an accident.
How are you now? Did you get the answers to
the questions you had? Or maybe it has given you anxiety, depression or
nightmares as well?
Not without risk
Being involved in spiritual matters is not
without danger. The world of Astrology and Tarot is full of swindlers and
imposters. But there are also people who deal with ‘white magic’. That sounds a
lot better, of course. But also white magic has a dark side.
In the world of astrology it is assumed
that we are at one with nature. The stars serve for astrology as a source of
information about the fate of a human being. But also the spiritual world is
often consulted.
Besides a lot of cheaters who are after
your money, there are also a lot of astrologers with actual spiritual
connections. You have to ask yourself what is the source of the spiritual
experiences. Who or what gives the soothsayer, tarot layer or spiritual coach
the knowledge about you?
Grip on your life?
Consulting an astrologer can also result in
a certain dependence. This can be used by the astrologer to earn more from you
or to influence you and your environment.
Predictions are often used to get a better
grip on life. The opposite is usually the result. If you believe in a
prediction about your life, death, relationships and illness, then that is
something you have to do with. After all, there is no room for discussion or
negotiation with the stars.
Fear, depression
The world of astrology has a dark source. Even though it is packaged in a nice jacket. White magic, Wicca and innocent horoscopes are the best known examples. Yet these all have a downside. Do you fight with anxiety, depression or nightmares? It may well be because you have been guided by a spiritual experience.
An alternative
Do you want to get rid of this burden? Then
there is a way out. We would like to help you on your way. Through this website
we offer you the opportunity to consciously think about your life for a week.
On the way to truth, peace and quiet.
Do you want to leave the darkness and do
you want to discover the truth and a new life? Then take one week to
consciously think about your life.
We would like to help you find answers to your life questions. It is completely free and without any
You are probably curious about your future. You are not the only one. Many people have questions about relationships, work or health. We hope to find answers in the world of the spiritual.
Many people don’t know that behind astrology
there is a world of dark forces and powers. Not only does it make a lot of
money. There are really serious spiritual forces active in our world.
There is a horoscope in almost every
newspaper. Maybe you read it out of curiosity, or even make decisions based on
your horoscope?
Scientifically proven?
Many of the horoscopes you read in the
newspaper or on the internet have been sucked out of the writer’s thumb. They
are usually based on general truths. Statements that suit almost everyone and
that are desirable. That’s not surprising, because horoscopes are nowadays a
billion-dollar industry.
Unlike Astronomy, Astrology is not a
recognized science. Astrology probably originates from old time calculations
based on the stars. This has given rise to a body of thought with which
astrologers predict the fate of people. This is done on the basis of the
position of the stars and their meaning. But also the help of the paranormal is
used. Astrologers often consult spiritual sources.
Not without risk!
It often seems as if all predictions are
made with good intentions. Nothing could be further from the truth! If you
immerse yourself in the spiritual world, you will discover that in addition to
financial interests, there may also be other ulterior motives. Even ‘innocent’
horoscopes can have a negative impact on your life. They can make sure that you
no longer make decisions yourself, but let the horoscope influence you.
It may seem easy to let your choices be
guided by predictions, even nice not to
have to take responsibility yourself. The question is whether this really
gives you certainty in life. It also gives you a certain dependence on fate and on others.
In addition, the predictions can also lead
a life of their own. Because you take a prediction into account. It can also
cause fear for what is to come. This can lead to a conscious or unconscious
change in your life.
Personal predictions
It’s different with personal predictions or
readings. Have you ever been to a fortune teller or tarot card layer? Sometimes
the predictions apply surprisingly well to you.
If you are guided by these predictions,
then the chance of negative influences on your life is seriously present. For
example, fear, nightmares and depression.So the question is whether you want to put your
future in the hands of people with seemingly good intentions. People who are
concerned with dark forces and powers. If you want to know more about this,
read the blog about White
Find out more about your life
and future
If you want to get a better grip on your
life and future, take the time to think about your life consciously. About who you are and why you live.
We would like to help you find answers to your life questions. We want to challenge you to think about your
life consciously for one week.
It is completely free and without any
Dear reader, I would like to share story of my life. Originally I am from Madhya Pradesh, India. I am 25 years old and work as Male Nurse Hospital for 2 years now.
I ran away from my family when I was barely 7 years old. I have vivid memories of my alcoholic father, my younger brother and loving mother. I remember getting in a train and I didn’t know where it was going. I ended up at Pune Railway station and that became my home for some time.
My daily routine was to beg on streets and railways, steal from passengers. I slept on the street and railway platform and I had to hide from the police. One day the police came at the station and sent all street children to the Government run Juvenile homes which were like hell on earth.
One day I ran away from there at first opportunity and retuned to the railway station. At the railway station I met a few boys and we became best buddies and we formed a gang. I remember at that young age we indulged in smoking, drinking cheap liquor and stealing. We would scavenge for food and eat whatever we could get.
Every now and then I would think of returning home but the fear of father’s beating would kept me from returning to home. During this period I met someone who would come to visit the kids that were living in the streets, chat with us and gave us some food.
He became a good friend. One day he asked me to go with him to a shelter for street kids. I started living at the shelter and was could go to school. There I heard about the love of God for mankind and about Jesus Christ and I learned stories of Jesus from Bible.
My life fully changed
In 2009 I visited a youth camp. It was so powerful and life changing. During one of the meetings I experience the power of God come upon me. I realised about all de bad things I had done in life and aked God to forgive me and help me. I accepted the life saving offer of Jesus Christ. This encounter changed my life completely. I became serious about life & God.
In February 2019 I started praying to find my family. It is really miracle what happened after these prayers. I was 7 years old when I left my house and only remembered some parts of the city I lived in. Me and a friend from the shelter went to my birth city. When we arrived in this city I prayed again that I could find my family.
After that prayer I started to remember the location where we used to live when I was young. But my parent shifted 10 years ago to out of the city into a village nearby. One of the former neighbours helped me to go to the village and to my surprise I found my mother and brother and sister.
My father has left my family 3 years ago. My mother and my brother and sister were very poor. I started sharing my life to my mother and many other villagers. I told them how God has brought me back and how my life is nowadays.
Many villagers heard about the love of Jesus Christ for the first time and got to know about the rescue of lives through Jesus. I was lost but I found God and my family.
Maybe you are not living in the streets, but you can feel just as lost and without hope. Maybe you are also looking for the purpose of your life.
If you would learn how to have a living relationship with God, your Creator, then start your week of thinking and learning today:
Stress isn’t all in your head. It doesn’t just impact your thoughts
and attitudes. Though it often begins there, stress can have a big impact on
the health of your body and soul. And finally, it can lead to depression and
If you’ve ever had a hard time getting out of bed or wondered
whether life is worth living, you’ve likely experienced the beginnings of
burnout. Burnout happens when you undergo excessive stress over the long-term. It’s
a feeling of complete and total exhaustion – emotionally, mentally, and
physically. It will steal your energy and leave you feeling hopeless and
Maybe the worst part of burnout is that, though it often begins
there, it isn’t limited to your workplace. It will inevitably spill over into every
aspect of your lives. It can destroy friendships and your marriage. It
holds you back from being the parent that your child needs you to be. And it
leaves your self-worth in tatters.
I know this from first-hand experience. Two years ago, the stress of
work and school and family combined to leave me in a state of hopeless
paralysis. In the midst of that, I lost my job. There were days when I wondered
whether getting out of bed was worth the time or energy. My marriage suffered,
as did my relationships with my children. Fortunately, I recognized what I was
experiencing before it could destroy me. And that is the first step in recovering
from burnout: recognize that you have a problem.
How Do I Know If I’m
Burning Out?
We all have days when we feel overworked and underappreciated.
Feeling that way occasionally isn’t necessarily a sign of burnout. However,
when those days become the norm rather than the exception, you may be headed
down the path toward burnout.
Burnout doesn’t happen all at once. It’s a slow, creeping process
that grows worse and worse over time – especially if it isn’t addressed. The
key is paying attention to the warning signs and actively working to combat
So, what are some of the signs of burnout?
Emotional Symptoms of
Some of the first changes that you’ll notice if you’re on the road
to burnout are emotional in nature. You may have a growing sense of failure
or hopelessness. You may begin to doubt yourself or lose your sense of
self-worth. There may be moments when you feel trapped in your own body.
Conversely, you may feel detached, as if you are watching a movie of
your life rather than living it. You’ll likely find yourself thinking pessimistically
and wondering whether things will ever get better. As time goes on, you’ll find
your motivation sapped and even when things go well, you’ll find yourself
focusing solely on what could have been better.
If you look at your life and find many of the symptoms, you may be
on the path to burnout. If you continue, you will likely begin to see some of
the following physical symptoms.
Physical Symptoms of
In addition to emotional damage, burnout can also create serious
physical problems for you. It often begins with a sense of weariness. You’ll
find that even after a good night sleep, you still feel tired. One of
the reasons for this is that burnout will often cause your sleeping and eating
patterns to change. You’ll go from being a morning person to a night out or
vice versa. You may not be able to sleep at all. And you may find that you
either want to eat more often than normal or you completely lose your
appetite. Beyond that, you may find that you’re experiencing more frequent headaches
or even muscle pain. And as time goes on, your decreased immunity can
lead you into more frequent bouts with sickness.
As time goes on, you’ll likely find an increase in these physical
symptoms if you are experiencing burnout. As your body begins to be affected by
the stress, your behavior and attitudes will likely change as well.
Other Symptoms of Burnout
If you’re experiencing burnout, you will likely find that your lack
of motivation will lead you to begin acting in different ways. You may look for
ways to avoid work through putting stuff off or coming in late and
leaving early. You’ll find yourself taking out your frustrations on
others, even those who are connected to the source of your stress. This often
leads to withdrawing from others and isolatingyourself. The pain
of broken relationships can cause you to take solace in food, alcohol, or even
drugs. If you find yourself doing these things, you are likely dealing with
some form of burnout.
Is There Hope For The
Burned Out?
Though burnout can make you feel hopeless, there is always hope.
Tomorrow isn’t set in stone. And the mistakes of our past don’t have to
determine our future successes.
I know, from experience, how exhausting and devastating that burnout
can be. I’ve been there. But I also know that there is a way through the clouds
of stress and burnout. I’ve gone through that fire and reached the other side.
And I can tell you, as someone who thought he would never make it another step,
that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope on the other
So, how was I able to push through and reach that other side? It was
only possible with time and some of the following steps.
Develop and Maintain Close Relationships
We, as human beings, are relational creatures. We thrive when we
have strong connections to others. And this isn’t just folklore. Research has
proven that people with strong friendships and family ties are happier,
healthier, and more likely to find success.
These kinds of deep relationships are never more important than when
we find ourselves going through burnout or depression. The dangerous thing
about both burnout and depression is that when we go through them, we tend to
withdraw from others. This only worsens our condition.
Because of this, you’ll need to be intentional about building and
maintaining strong relationships when you find yourself in a season of burnout.
Make plans to get breakfast or lunch with friends that you can trust. Find
someone you have confidence in that you can confess your experiences to and who
will listen to you without judgment.
These are the kind of deep relationships that will not only preserve
you during difficult seasons, they will carry you through to the other side.
In saying this, I’m speaking from a place of experience. When I went
through my time of burnout, I was tempted to run away. In fact, there were days
when I locked myself in my room and shut my phone off so I wouldn’t have to
face anyone. But I eventually realized that I was only spiraling downward. So,
I followed the exact advice I’ve given you here: I found three or four close
friends and began to share my life with them.
Our meetings weren’t always comfortable, and I often didn’t look
forward to them. But afterward, I would feel as if a burden had been lifted. I
would walk away knowing that I wasn’t alone. And that went a long way toward
helping me get through that difficult season.
Take Care of Yourself
During periods of burnout and stress, you’ll often find yourself
losing your appetite and unable to work up the energy to exercise. As I’ve
already mentioned, this is one of the primary physical symptoms of burnout. But
it’s not just a symptom of it, it can actually make your burnout even worse.
As your diet changes – usually for the worse – and as you lose the
motivation to exercise, your body and mind will be negatively affected. During
my bout with burnout, I started eating more than normal. I’d go through the
cabinets, searching for something sweet to drown out my pain. My weight quickly
increased, my health suffered, and my burnout worsened.
Although it might not seem like it, taking care of yourself
physically is key to overcoming mental exhaustion and burnout. I didn’t realize
just how much my body was contributing to my burnout until a close friend
encouraged me to pay more attention to my diet and exercise. Once I started cutting
out a lot of the sweets and put an exercise routine in place, I found that the
state of my body and mind improved. And thankfully, I had friends who kept me
accountable. They asked me how I was doing with my diet and even went walking
with me on a weekly basis. This made a world of difference in staying
consistent in these things.
Keep Perspective
When you’re in the middle of a season of burnout or intense stress,
you tend to lose sight of the bigger picture. I can remember feeling like my
entire world was crumbling when I went through that time in my life. It felt as
though I had lost everything. And there was a lot that had changed. But someone
gave me the wise advice of focusing on the things that hadn’t changed.
Focusing on the stable things in life can help you no matter what
you’re going through. When chaos is erupting at work or your relationship with
your spouse is rocky, find something that hasn’t changed and hold on tightly to
it. Remember, life is unstable and involves change after change. But there are
a handful of things that don’t change.
This is one of the reasons that Alcoholics Anonymous encourages
people who want to get out of alcoholism to have a belief in a higher power. An
unchanging higher power gives us something to hold onto in the middle of life’s
storms. It can also help us as we seek a perspective that looks beyond tomorrow
and into the distant future.
This was one of the most important parts of overcoming burnout for
me. When my entire life seemed to be falling apart, I believed that there was a
larger plan. I believed there was a higher power that was holding everything in
place. And I was had faith that, in the end, he would see me through.
This faith carried me through my burnout and led me to a place where
I’m able to look back on that time with thanksgiving. I’m not thankful that I
had to go through such a dark season. But I am thankful for the lessons that I
learned there and the strength that I gained. I’m thankful that I’m now able to
have more confidence than ever that burnout and depression and stress don’t
have the final say.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can experience the same
transformation that I did – by overcoming your burnout – I would encourage you
to click the link below and begin your journey.
Don’t let stress have the final say. There is hope!
How did life on Earth start? Was it with a ‘Big Bang’? In this article I will show you some very interesting facts about life that may surprise you.
In many schools today, kids are educated about the source of life on Earth. Most scientists believe that the entire universe started with a ‘Big Bang’; this theory was based on the work of Albert Einstein and many others. The Evolution Theory explains that life on Earth began with simple organisms. These small organisms developed over millions of years into animals and finally into human beings. This process, called ‘evolution’, was presented by Charles Darwin in 1859 and it has been adopted by many scientists ever since.
But today, many scientists doubt Darwin’s theory. We have learned a lot about our existence, and to many of our finest thinkers it seems almost impossible that life on Earth has evolved through evolution.
3,300 books full of information in one human cell
Just take a look at the complex human DNA. In recent years it was discovered that all life is based on these very complex strains of information that are present in each and every cell of our bodies.
Every human life starts with one cell that is already stuffed with information. It contains a very detailed manual on how your body should grow. Just from the information in this single cell your complete body builds and grows. The human that grows from there is fully complete with a brain, arms, legs and somtimes a big nose or small ears ;).
But DNA not only contains this blueprint—it also describes how all cells, all organs, all muscles and limbs will work together. For example, will this person be excellent at playing soccer or maybe become a great designer? DNA plays a major role in setting these future events in motion. Unbelievable, isn’t it?
DNA is the blueprint for your body. Researchers have calculated that if you were to write down the information that is stored in human DNA, you would need more than a million pages! That’s over 3,300 books! This complex code is not just at the heart of a human being—it’s present in every cell of your body! (read further below the image)
So All Life Started by Accident?
Many scientists still believe that life has evolved through a series of tiny steps and many chemical processes—in effect, that DNA has evolved over millions of years. Yet more and more scientists are recognising that DNA is so incredibly complex that it is impossible that it could be the result of accidental chemical reactions.
Accidental Computer Software?
So if DNA is too complex to have “evolved” over a series of accidents, what in fact created it? Maybe I can explain it through this example… You can compare the amount of information stored in one human’s DNA to a computer program like Windows. Thousands of software engeneers have been working on the computercode for the Windows software. Can you imagine an equivalent amount of information being stored in every single cell of your body and this coming into existence from something as random as a series of accidents?
No Chance!
A working software program has never been created by accident. The total number of working programs where the code originated through a series of accidents is zero, none. No code has ever been discovered that was not designed by someone. Every single working bit of software code was created deliberately, by designers and programmers.
And these facts make us ask the question: When DNA is at least as complex as Windows software, how can it be possible that it came into being through a series of accidents?
So if the evolution theory cannot answer this question… What’s the alternative?
As I started to write this blog, my mind just took me back to my childhood days as a four-year-old boy. My mom was taking me and my brother out of the home and sent us to a boarding school. Not knowing at that age why she was keeping both of us in a boarding school. I didn’t want to stay in the boarding school, I just wanted to be at home, but I had no choice.
I grew up as a fatherless child, even though he was alive. He left our family before I was born, so I never experienced my fathers love and care. He was an alcoholic and he abused my mom physically and emotionally. I grew up with fear, feeling insecure and full of shame. I developed habits that are not healthy. I used to think I’m a good person but I was different inside and different outside.
As young man worried about my life and often asked to myself: why was I born? Why am I in this world and where am I going? How am I going to live in this world? Can I blame my Dad for my life because he left us? Can I blame my Mom because she put me in boarding school? I wanted to know the truth about life.
Someone told me, you can find anything when you put your heart, mind and soul into it. I really wanted to know the truth and wanted to be a different person. Despite my circumstances in life, at different stages in my life I had people who would encourage me. People who could help me to know the truth, the truth about life, future, and about the world. Thanks to the people who encouraged me, I began to understand and accept the truth. My life changed.
I realised that my life is in my own hands. Depends on my thinking, my decisions, and steps I would take that will have either positive or negative effect on my life.
The truth has given me a hope and a direction in my life gave me hope for future. The hope has given me the courage to take steps in life and as a result, my life transformed and developed to be a better person and put me in a strong position in whatever I did.
My desire was to help people who struggle like me, and was able to help many people in knowing and understanding truth about life.
So, I would say, you have value and purpose in your life. No matter who and what you are at this moment. Surround yourself with good people who encourage you, Be who you are with people. Be with those who trust you and help you, no matter who you are and what you do. Listen and accept the truth, the truth about life and world. Believe in the truth that gives you hope and take steps that would build your life and you would see your life transformed and in turn, you would help others to change themselves.